Friday, February 20, 2009

Travel on the Underground Railroad

Click on ENTER below if you DARE to travel on the Underground Railroad

Congratulations! You are now a free slave. How was your journey on the Underground Railroad? Where you brave or scared? You were able to learn many new facts along the way. What is one new fact that you learned?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

Presidents' Day

This week, we have learned about our country's first president and sixteenth president. Both Washington, and Lincoln shared many characteristics such as honesty, responsibility, and courageousness. Washington was honest when he cut down the cherry tree, and told his father the truth, and Lincoln was courageous and took action to free the slaves. Many times, both presidents wanted to give up, but they never did. They were determined!
  • Do you think that you share some of these characteristics?
  • If so, how do you show others that you have these characteristics?
  • Are there characteristics that you think Lincoln, and Washington had, that you wish you could have?
  • Please type your blog answering all these questions