Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Welcome Fifth Graders!

Welcome everyone to Fifth Grade. I'm so excited to begin our adventure.
I am a new teacher from Burlington, NC. Burlington is about 40 minutes from Stories Creek Elementary School. I graduated in May from East Carolina University. I love to run, and enjoy reading. Science and Math are my favorite subjects. I have a cute dog named Mollie. If you scroll to the bottom of this page, you can see her.

Now that I have introduce myself to you, tell me one or two important facts about you. Also tell me what you hope to learn this year.


  1. This is bailey and i love to draw and take pictures. One thing i would like to learn about this year is science and some math wich makes that two.

  2. Hi my favorite sport is I like to play vollyball. My favorite subjects are reading,spelling,math,social studies,science,and health.
    I hope to learn this year a lot of math,reading,health,science,social studies, and spelling.

  3. Hi miss this is Nick What I want to learn theis year is weather. An important fact about me is I love Science

  4. hey

    one important thing about me is that i like to draw and design clothes. so when i grow up i want to be a designer, but i do know alot about forensic science.

  5. Dear Mis.Page
    I like to sing and act, My mom is very cool, i would like to learn about science.


  6. What I would like to learn this year is algebra and health. This is Miracle and I like to play games on the computer that are about learning, also I like to play Guitar Hero. I hope you have as much fun as I will.

  7. I hope to learn this year is more about science Hi Ms. Page I like to play Baseball and I like to paint.

  8. I have a little dog named Cookie.I also have a brother a year older than me.I want to learn about clouds.

  9. Hey,

    My favorite subject is reading and sciene. I would like to learn about many of things about my class mates and more about measurment.

  10. hi,
    I want to learn everything fifth grade have to offer. i love to learn. :-) my favortite subject is math, p.e, art,music, reading and scince. :) :)

  11. Im DaQwon I love cooking pizza and cakes even pancakes, and I love swimming in my pool and just hanging out with my dog her name is suger she is 2 years old and she loves to eat!!!!!! And I want to learn about scince and art!

  12. Ilike animals my favorite is the wolf.I love to play basketball I hope we learn about animals

  13. I like math and P.E. One thing i would like to learn is about animals.

  14. Hi I want to learn about science I love to play soccer and I like your dog.

  15. Hi my name is jayana and I am very funny and I love to eat chicken nuggets. And I have a very pretty cat and her name is sunshine and she is 1 years old. And I want to learn division.

  16. Hey miss page did you know that it takes two types of clouds to form a cumulonimbus cloud.

  17. well Nick.... what two types are they?

  18. hey miss page my mom told me about a website and it is all educational it is call mr I hope you like

  19. hi i thougt i would leave you a commet about 5 grade. in my 5 grade class we dont switch classes insted we stay in one class all day. my techers name is mrs godley.i hope things in your class are going ok in your class try to send me a commet i will be on your webstite and mrs hine dont forget mrs hines is
