Thursday, September 10, 2009

Practice Your Spelling Words

This is a great site that you may use at home to practice your spelling words. Spelling City includes games, worksheets, or just a way for the computer to call out your spelling words when no one is there. I will update the spelling list weekly so you can continue at home.
Click on the link below
Scroll down to the bottom
Click on the story that we are reading.
You are ready to begin!
Please leave a comment on what you think of Spelling City. Discuss what you liked or disliked about Spelling City


  1. I like Spelling City. It is fun because you get extra practice for spelling and you have games. That's what I think about Spelling City.

  2. Spelling city is a good site becoause it teaches us more than just one test every week. We get extra practice as well so it helps us study because of the games it has.

  3. Spelling city is so awsome

  4. Hi mrs page i tried spelling city and it was so cool i learned my spelling words in a flash. If your students are have trouble with multiplying go to renisonce place and if you got this go to math fact in a flash you may all ready know how to do this i will post anthor comment later
